A Mother's Day Message

Before her, my life was pretty good. I was happy, well-adjusted, in a great marriage, living in a gorgeous condo, and enjoying spontaneous date nights and getaways. 

Since her, my good life has become greater - in ways I could not understand before.

My daughter has made my life brighter, more exciting, more challenging and infinitely more meaningful. Because of her, our great marriage is stronger, having been through the challenges of brand new parenthood. We see each other in totally different lights - not just as husband or wife, but as dad and mom, and it's a new view full of beautiful surprises. I gaze around our snazzy condo, and the setting sun catches on little areas of kiddie-dom that have not taken over so much as they have taken root - and grown within: a farm-themed Exersaucer in the living room, a pink scooter beside the couch, brightly-coloured boxes of books and toys scattered throughout the house. Dinner out now includes a high chair and sippy cup (although Mom's pint on the patio remains the same).

Thank you, my little panda, for being the reason I can celebrate on this day. I look at you while you're sleeping - at those long eyelashes that are his, those full lips that are mine, and that big chubbmo belly that is all you. My love, you are a sum greater than your dad and I; the best of us combined into one sweet, bright, determined little girl. 

I am proud and humbled to be counted among the superheroes that are mothers. 

I am proud and humbled to be yours.


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