
Showing posts from February, 2018

It's Been Forty Days...

9 days of dedicated masses. 40 days of prayer. 1 year of mourning. These are the milestones we count in my culture. The clock by which we measure our grief.  These last 40 days have been a whirlwind of stress and emotion, but with a slight return to normalcy. We're staying strong and pushing forward - doing exactly what my Dad would have wanted and truly, being the only way we know how to be. The days surrounding the viewings and funeral were chaotic, dark and heavy. The week or so following was precarious at best, as we tried to get back into a routine while tying up all the loose ends. It got lonely around that time. But still, we got through. Now, it's the little things.  I saw a trailer for a tennis movie and thought, 'Dad would like that! ...would have liked that." My brother saw a good Friday Night Fights match up, and picked up the phone to call my dad... before realizing there is no phone to where he now resides. My son sees pict