
Showing posts from September, 2017

Happy Birthday, Dad!

71 years. It seems like a lot, doesn't it? And it is. But it's also not.  Because time can play tricks on you.  You see that it's Frosh Week for the universities, and you realize it's been FIFTEEN years since you experienced that wild, nerve-wracking week. You have a newborn and although the days and sleepless nights feel like an eternity, suddenly a year is gone in a flash. How can time feel short and long at the same time? How can 71 years seem like a lifetime and yet not nearly long enough? Over seven decades ago, on a remote island in the northern Philippines, a sickness took root in a vulnerable population: women who were pregnant. Most of them, sadly, lost their babies. My grandmother, however, did not. And thus, my father was born.  Fast forward 70 years and 3 days, and my little koala celebrated his birth day. Naturally, we envisioned a grand festive occasion for the birthdays of my son and my father - music, food, drinks, and cake. Smiles, stories, laug