
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Real Deal on the Cycle of Time

I know my parents love me.  I see it frequently and deeply, in what they say to me and about me, in the many things they do for me and my family. Their love is unconditional. Truly. But just recently, I had a realization about another facet of their love. It was a beautiful moment, a humbling one, but it had a bittersweet quality as well because it reminded me of how the clock ticks on, no matter how badly you want it to pause or go back. It started simply enough - with me and little koala playing on the bed as we do most days. We looked at books and toys, cuddled, and practiced rolling, reaching, and sitting. In these quiet moments, I am often overwhelmed with love for my kids, and go in for as many kisses and snuggles as they will tolerate. I reflected both on how little he is and how much he has learned in the last few weeks. And as I cradled the fine curve of his skull in my hand and listened to him babble away, I didn't see me. I saw my mom. When I touch the faces of my

The Real Deal on Names

It has been two years since the last entry. Obviously, much has happened in that time - not the least of which, little panda has a little koala brother! Yes, as of September 2016, this rookie mama became a rookie mama of two. If you want to know what kind of challenge it's been transitioning from one to two kids, just know that I fully intended to restart this blog at the start of maternity leave. And we are now in month SIX. Anyway... names. What an incredible responsibility it is to name your little human! It's how they will be known to the world. It's a piece of the foundation on which they build their identity. Do you go classic or unique? Common spelling or not? Does it go with their last name, their sibling's name? And how will you know if it suits their personality?! Like most parents, we went through list after list of names, trying to find ones we both liked and seemed suited to our family and style. I tended to be more adventurous than he, and so w