
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Real Deal on Vaccinations

i have been hesitant to join the vaccination debate, although i have strong opinions about it. but as i watched from the sidelines, i had an interesting realization: at heart, pro- and anti-vaxxers are actually quite alike. what this massive, contentious, and at times vicious debate boils down to is loving parents who want to do the best for their kids. pro and anti alike, we are bombarded with information/misinformation, we are confused and truly, we are scared. we all just want happy, healthy kids that can grow up in a safe environment. armed with the realization that pro- and anti-vaxxers come from a similar place, i am reviving my blog and adding my voice to the din. the facts and science are out there, so i will not appeal to your brain. instead, i will appeal to your heart. have you held your newborn's hand through the openings of an incubator?  i have. have you held her while trying to untangle all the tubes and lines protruding from her body? i have. and