
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Real Deal on Breastfeeding

I heard the warnings and heeded them carefully - breastfeeding is not always easy. It can be downright difficult and for some, even impossible. It's rarely the naturally beautiful process shown in film and commercials, where the rosy-cheeked cherub slips gracefully onto mom and little bluebirds circle overhead. No - it is hard work, dedication and perseverance by mommy and babe alike. But truly, it's worth it. When listening to the warnings, I didn't realize that breastfeeding can be difficult for a whole host of reasons. I assumed the veteran mamas meant it was physically or physiologically difficult - to get the baby to latch properly, to produce enough milk, etc. But I discovered a whole other realm of emotional and mental tribulation that far exceeded the mechanics of breastfeeding. So rookie mamas like me, please know: there are moments of tear-filled frustration and feelings of woeful inadequacy, but they are normal and they will pass. When your little one has been cl