
Showing posts from March, 2014

Just Don't...Say This to the Mom of a Preemie

And we are back from a hiatus caused by, well, being a rookie mama! Life and the ever-increasing demands of a now 10-month-old have made blogging a very difficult task. And so, we will return with a bit of a gear-grinding story - a true tale that happened to me last summer when my little one was about 5 months old. We were at a birthday party, and in attendance were many couples and young families. I didn't know who this woman was; I had never met her before but she and her partner were there with their infant son. A cute, drooly boy with big dark eyes and chickfuzz hair. - - - "Aww," she says. "How old is your daughter?" "Five months," I reply. "Oh, a little older than my son! He was born *insert date here*" "She was a preemie," I explain, "born five weeks early. She should have actually been born in July!" "How much does she weigh?" she asks. "About 15 or 16 pounds now." "Huh!" sh