On a Serious Note...

A friend of mine lost his father recently. I discussed it with another friend who lost her mother a few years back. Since becoming a parent, my husband and I have become increasingly aware of our mortality and that of our loved ones. We have a deeper and perhaps more serious understanding of the fragility, the preciousness, and the fleeting nature of life.

And so this is a call to action: stop waiting and start moving. The time, my friends, is now. The chance you want to take, the dream you hope to pursue - there may not be a tomorrow, and there certainly will never be the "right" time. So stop wading in the shallows and jump in the deep end. 

This is not about shirking responsibility and living selfishly. No, it is about living and enjoying your life, surrounded by the people you care about. Take up that hobby, apply for that job, bury the hatchet, and ask for forgiveness. Kiss in the rain, hold hands in the dark, and tell your family you love them. Show them you do with action but tell them with words as well. 

You will not regret the things you did as much as you will regret the things you didn't. 

Carpe diem.


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