The Real Deal on Breastfeeding

I heard the warnings and heeded them carefully - breastfeeding is not always easy. It can be downright difficult and for some, even impossible. It's rarely the naturally beautiful process shown in film and commercials, where the rosy-cheeked cherub slips gracefully onto mom and little bluebirds circle overhead. No - it is hard work, dedication and perseverance by mommy and babe alike. But truly, it's worth it.

When listening to the warnings, I didn't realize that breastfeeding can be difficult for a whole host of reasons. I assumed the veteran mamas meant it was physically or physiologically difficult - to get the baby to latch properly, to produce enough milk, etc. But I discovered a whole other realm of emotional and mental tribulation that far exceeded the mechanics of breastfeeding.

So rookie mamas like me, please know: there are moments of tear-filled frustration and feelings of woeful inadequacy, but they are normal and they will pass. When your little one has been cluster feeding every hour for a whole evening, screaming and unlatching herself every minute, you will search for your car keys so you can hit the 24hr pharmacy and buy formula...but do not give up. We have all felt that way and are looking at those times in the rearview mirror. I promise that it gets better. Cry when you need to, but know she is getting the healthiest, most nutritious meal possible and that you are creating it all on your own.

Enlist the help of your partner/friend/family; settle in with some DVDs; surround yourself with accessible drinks and snacks. Do whatever you must to feel as comfortable as possible when riding out the bad times. In the span of your baby's life, they are the briefest of moments and worth every frustrated tear a thousand times over.


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